Welcome to the Shilpee Lab website, where we share our research projects, ideas, photos, and stories.
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About Us

Shilpee Dutt, Ph.D.
B.Sc: University of Delhi
M.Sc: JMI, Delhi
Ph.D.: University of Zurich, Switzerland
Post Doc: Harvard Medical School, USA
Long term goal of our laboratory is to understand the molecular mechanisms of resistance, the most germane and fundamental issue in the cancer therapeutics with a particular focus on leukemia and glioblastoma.
We take the multi-pronged approach employing molecular biology, cell biology, genomics and proteomics to answer some of the basic questions pertaining to chemo and radiation resistance. Using clinically relevant patient samples and patient-derived cellular and mouse models developed in our lab, we have recently identified modulation of DNA repair pathways via epigenetic modifications, homotypic cell fusions and ubiquitin-proteasome system in residual resistant cells as major pathways employed by AML and GBM cells to escape therapy and relapse. We collaborate with the clinicians at AIIMS, ACTREC and TMH to translate the basic research findings into clinics.
News and Events
Executive committee member of AICGG (All India Congress of Genetics and Genomics)
Member Society for Neuroscience, USA (Sfn)
Member of American Society of Hematology, USA (ASH)
Member of American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), USA
Life member of ‘Life Sciences Zurich Network’, Switzerland
Life member of IACR (Indian Association of Cancer Research)
Life member of ISCB (Indian society of cell biology)
Life member of Society of Biological Chemists of India (SBC)
Life membership of Indian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO)
Life membership of Indian Society of Hematology (ISH)
Useful Links
December 2024: Happy that our work on glioblastoma is highlighted by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). Thank you DBT for funding and for the recognition.
November 2024: Many congratulations Atanu and Bhawna for yet another important publication in the Journal of Cell Science that sheds new light on the complex process of replication stress and therapy induced senescence in glioblastoma.
November 2024: Many congratulations, Debashmita for your absolutely wonderful publication in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences delineating the non-canonical function of PARylated GCN5 facilitating HR and NHEJ Repair in GBM. It's perfect example of how the basic science findings can have therapeutic implications!
November 2024: Bhawna successfully defended her PhD thesis. Many Congratulations Dr. Bhawna Singh!
July 2024: Many congratulations, Madhura for your publication in Neuro-Oncology identifying PERK mediated UPR as a molecular switch for reversal of therapy induced senescence in residual GBM. This is a game changer for GBM therapy!
June 2024: Dr. Saket is heading to USA for his postdoctoral fellowship at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, Seattle. Many congratulations, Saket for this new position and best wishes for a bright future.
April 2024: Many congratulations to Dr. Anagha for starting a new position as a postdoctoral fellow at Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Wish you all the best, Anagha
February 2024: Saket successfully defended his Ph.D thesis. Many Congratulations Dr. Saket V Mishra!
January 2024: Happy to share that Bhawna, Debashmita and Saket got EMBO Travel Grant and Registration Waiver to present their work at the EMBO workshop for 'Evolution and Diversity of the DNA Damage Response' to be held in February 19-23, 2024, in Lonavala. Congratulations!
January 2024: Many congratulations Saket for your publication in Journal of Cell Science delineating the mechanism of Top2b transcriptional regulation by DNA-PKcs. The year has started on such a happy note!
December 2023: We bid goodbye to Safi who is going to start a new position as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan, USA. Good luck, Safi for all the future endeavors!
November 2023: Congratulations Bhawna for publication of an important book chapter detailing the role of cancer stem cells in maintenance of cancer heterogeneity in brain tumors. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-443-13212-4.00008-8
November 2023: Congratulations Debashmita for winning the 'Best Poster Award' at the 8th meeting of the Asian Forum of Chromosome and Chromatin Biology held at JNCASR, Bengaluru from 4th-6th November 2023.
November 2023: Congratulations Madhura for winning the 'Best Flash Talk Presentation' at the 3rd Indian Cancer Congress 2023 held at Jio World Convention Centre, Mumbai from 2nd-5th November 2023.
August 2023: Anagha successfully defending her PhD thesis and was awarded with a well-deserved doctoral degree. Many congratulations Dr. Anagha Acharekar!!
July 2023: Many congratulations Anagha for receiving "Paeonia Foundation Travel Award” from the organizers of MBI Conference 2023, "Mechanobiology in Health and Disease”, scheduled to be held in Singapore from September 26-29, 2023.
June 2023: Congratulations to Bhawna for The Travel Award by ESTRO Biology Committee at the 16th International Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology/Oncology, Norway. The award is given to the highest ranked abstract whose first author is a PhD student!
June 2023: Congratulations to Madhura for The International Travel Grant Award from DST-SERB, Govt. of India. Madhura will present her work at Gordon Research Conference on 'Biology of Aging' to be held in Spain, July 2023.
May 2023: Many congratulations to Bhawna for The International Travel Grant Award from DST-SERB, Govt. of India to attend and present her work at 16th International Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology/Oncology, Norway, June 2023.
May 2023: Many congratulations Safi for securing 3rd position in the global competition entitled 'Battles of the Blots' by Bio-Rad. Indeed, Safi's western blots are award worthy!
April 2023: Bhawna is selected to Co-chair the opening key note lecture and the DNA repair session in the 16th International Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology/Oncology to be held in Norway in June 2023. Many congratulations, Bhawna!
December 2022: Congratulations Anagha for your publication in 'Matrix Biology'. In this manuscript Anagha, in collaboration with Ketaki (Abhijit Majumder lab IIT-B) developed an in vitro model system that captures the observed in vivo and clinical behavior of recurrent GBM by mimicking mechanical microenvironment and identifies PLEKHA7 as a novel potential target for recurrent GBM. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matbio.2022.12.002
December 2022: Kudos to Madhura and Debashmita for winning the Bursary Award to present their work at EACR-AACR-SIC joint conference to be held in Italy from March 15-17 2023. Many congratulations!!
November 2022: Last week of November has been wonderful with three awards to the Ph.D students from our lab.
Bhawna Singh won Best Oral Presentation Award at 5th Asian Congress of Radiation Research(ACRR), held at BARC.
Debashmita Sarkar won Best Poster Presentation Award at 5th Asian Congress of Radiation Research(ACRR), held at BARC.
Anagha Acharekar won Best Poster Award at WRCB Summit on Next Generation Therapeutics held in Institution of Eminence cell, IIT Bombay.
Congratulations! Kudos to all the winners!
October 2022: Many congratulations Madhura for the publication of a well written book chapter entitled 'Epigenetic regulation towards acquired resistance in cancer', in Subcellular Biochemistry, vol 100. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07634-3_14
August 2022: Many congratulations Saket for the CSIR Travel Grant Award to present your work at the EMBL Conference: Transcription and Chromatin.
July 2022: Jyothi successfully defended her Ph.D thesis. Many congratulations, and best wishes for your future, Dr. Nair!!
July 2022: Kudos to Saket for getting SERB Travel Grant Award to present his work at the EMBL Conference: Transcription and Chromatin.
June 2022: Many congratulations to Saket for getting EMBL Corporate Partnership Programme Travel Grant Award to present his work at the EMBL Conference: Transcription and Chromatin.
April 2022: Congratulations Tejashree and Bhawana for a very insightful review on how 'Chromatin dynamics orchestrate DNA repair mechanisms in glioblastoma'. The review is published in International Journal of Neurooncology.
March 2022: Madhura won Amity Oral Presentation Award at the 41st Annual International Conference of Indian Association of Cancer Research (IACR) 2022, March 2-5. Many Congratulation Madhura!
March 2022: Congratulations Archisman for winning the Amity Poster Presentation Award at the 41st Annual International Conference of Indian Association of Cancer Research (IACR) 2022, March 2-5.
February 2022: Congratulations Ekjot and Madhura for the publication in Medical Oncology describing that glioblastoma recurrent cells switch between ATM and ATR signaling to survive radiation therapy.
January 2022: Many congratulations to Debashmita Sarkar for the publication of her book chapter 'ROS Signaling in Brain Tumor: An Emerging Paradigm for Cancer Stem Cell Therapy' in Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects by Springer- Singapore
January 2022: Madhura won Dr. Harimohan Memorial Award for best flash presentation at the 16th DAE‐BRNS TSRP‐2022 conference, January 12-15. Congratulation Madhura for the award and the spectacular beginning of 2022!
January 2022: Congratulations Debashmita for getting the 'Citation under Best Poster Award' at the TSRP‐2022 conference January 12-15, 2022.
November 2021: Many congratulations to Jyothi for her fantastic publication in Journal of Cell Science where she showed that DUSP6 regulates radio-sensitivity in glioblastoma by modulating the recruitment of p-DNAPKcs at DNA double-strand breaks.
November 2021: Many congratulations to Jacinth and Atanu for their publication in Heliyon where they identified novel binding partners of 14-3-3 zeta showing its role in mitochondrial biogenesis.
September 2021: Our hypothesis that cell-cell fusion events play a major role in the birth of solid tumors is online!
June 2021: Congratulations Ketki Patkar for a well deserved promotion.
April 2021: Congratulations Madhura for winning the 'Best Oral Presentation' Award at the 12th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO), 15-17th April 2021 hosted by Christian Medical College, Vellore
April 2021: Congratulations Debashmita for the 'Best ePoster Award' at the 12th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO), 15-17th April 2021 hosted by Christian Medical College, Vellore
March 2021: Congratulations to Sameer for the exclusive author interview with Bio Patrika where he talks about his work on 'Mechanisms of therapy induced senescence reversal', published recently in Journal of Cell Science.
March 2021: Kudos to Saket for being awarded the 'Carl Storm International Diversity Fellowship Award' to attend and present his work at the Gordon Research Conference.
March 2021: Congratulations Saket for being awarded the competitive DMM Conference Travel Grant from The Company of Biologists!
February 2021: Congratulations Sameer and the team for this new publication from our lab in Journal of cell science (JCS) showing spatio-temporal expression of p65 in glioma cells regulate reversal of therapy induced senescence.
December 2020: Congratulations to Saket for the oral presentation award at National Scholars Research Meet (NRSM) held at ACTREC.
August 2020: Congratulations Sameer and Saket for a new paper from our lab in BBA-Bioenergetics describing the metabolic rewiring of chemotherapy resistant AML cells.
July 2020: Our work delineating the mechanistic details of therapy resistance in residual cells of glioblastoma was covered by SciSoup
June 2020: Congratulations and best wishes to Atanu for acceptance of his manuscript in 'Cancer Letters'
May 2020: Work from our lab on GBM got published in Neuro-Oncology. Congratulations Ekjot and all the authors!
May 2020: Our work on breast cancer got published in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
December 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Shilpee Dutt for Janaki Ammal - National Women Bioscientist Award (young category) 2019 by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
December 2019: Congratulations to Anagha for Dr. Kalraiya Award for best oral presentation at 15th NRSM held at ACTREC.
November 2019: Congratulation to Safi Syed for getting selected for SERB National Post-doctoral Fellowship by DST, Govt. of India
August 2019: Shilpee Lab welcomes Archisman who has joined the lab as Ph.D. student.
July 2019: Congratulations to Jyothi. Her work got selected for oral presentation at FEBS conference held at Krakow, Poland.
April 2019: Shilpee Lab welcomes Safi Syed, SRF
February 2019: Our work in collaboration with clinicians at TMH published in Cellular Oncology
January 2019: Congratulations to Jacinth Rajendra for successfully defending her thesis and getting Post-Doctoral fellowship in Sandeep Burma's Lab at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
November 2018: Vikas Ranvir joined the lab as JRF
October 2018: Manuscript reporting 7-gene pair for AML risk factor prediction published in Briefings in Bioinformatics
September 2018: Congratulations to Sameer Salunkhe for defending his work and getting the Post-doctoral fellowship in Patrick Sung's Lab at Yale University.
August 2018: Shilpee Lab welcomes Madhura and Debashmita who have joined the lab as Ph.D. students
July 2018: We bid adieu to lab's research trainees- Samadri, Gargi, and Elton.